Sunday, April 16, 2006
Democracy 101: Stand up for your Canada.
First off I wanna make it clear that this incarnation of the Canadian goverenment doesn't represent me or my values, principles or my morals (not that the last one did either). 3 cheers for democracy!!! (BTW feel free to throw your middle fingers up at any time) Great, now that we got that out of the way I can get on with this post. I'm gonna speak on the issue of censorship.
The other day I heard that our exceptionally qualified minister of the environment, Rona Ambrose decided to stop a governmental scientist from speaking about his new FICTIONAL novel on climate change. Censorship for the most part is ridiculous, especially when the whole point of literature is to advance the discourse on issues that affect us all. If Ms. Ambrose is worried about us confusing truth with fiction, she should give us a little bit more credit, and realize that this book is an artistic (original) way of expressing the seriousness of climate change. And she should realize that the truth is stranger then fiction. First off: climate change is a reality. Second off: fresh water reserves will be a major natural resource that WE WILL HAVE TO DEFEND AS CANADIANS in the not to distant future.
I don't care who you voted for in the last election, but I want everybody to think about the Canada that you want to live in. Do you wanna live in a Canada where your ministers tell you what you can and can't talk about or listen to? Or do you wanna be free to explore your ideas about what might happen in the future? After all, this is yours and my future (and our children's future). No matter how bleak it may be, let's not sweep it under the rug. Let's talk about it and make a change right now.
here are a couple of songs that articulate how I feel about this issue: enjoy
Bad Religion-Truth is Stranger than Fiction
Mos Def-New World Water

I don't care who you voted for in the last election, but I want everybody to think about the Canada that you want to live in. Do you wanna live in a Canada where your ministers tell you what you can and can't talk about or listen to? Or do you wanna be free to explore your ideas about what might happen in the future? After all, this is yours and my future (and our children's future). No matter how bleak it may be, let's not sweep it under the rug. Let's talk about it and make a change right now.
here are a couple of songs that articulate how I feel about this issue: enjoy
Bad Religion-Truth is Stranger than Fiction
Mos Def-New World Water