Sunday, April 30, 2006
"I Put My Money on the Long Shots..."

I've made it clear that I'm a big Ricky Williams supporter. I like him because he doesn't fit the stereotypical mold of today's ego-driven, arogant, invulnerable pro-athelete. The average modern day pro-athelete is a very alienating figure, and the more I learn about him the more I hate pro-sports and the people inside of it. But Ricky is different, the more I learn about him the more I like him and the more faith I have in sport and the ability to learn life lessons from it.
He's a pretty remarkable guy if you take the time to listen to what he's got to say. Basically, he's a star football player who doesn't want to be defined in 'dumb jock' perameters. He wants to explore deeper into himself. He just wants to be free to find his true self. So in this search for himself he walked away from millions and the structured life of the NFL. He then started a new life studying hollistic medicine. At the end of the day he wanted to learn more about himself and be free. The reason why I admire him is because most of us don't have the courage to walk away from our dreary lives and pursue introspection and freedom. This is precisely what he did and the NFL screwed him.
For deserting his team, he was ordered to pay $8.6 million dollars, he then came back and was a model citizen. He earned the respect of his coach and teammates (the very people who he deserted). He even won the good guy award- awarded to the player most co-operative with the media. He was tested more than any pro-athelete (randomly 10 times a month), and passed all the tests during the season. As soon as the season ended he failed a drug test for a drug other then marajuana. Hollistic medicine uses alot of alternative medicines and herbs. It is rumoured that something that he took unknowingly was on the banned substance list. He appealed the league's decision to suspend him for the 2006 season and he lost the appeal. His coach fully supports him.
Personally I think something is fishy, I mean if he really took something to jeopardize his career, the coach wouldn't stand up for him. I think that the NFL (No Fun League) is trying to stick it to Ricky and show him what happens when you don't tow the line. When he walked away he basically told the league: "I don't need you anymore" and that offended a lot of people. Someone wanted revenge. Which is a shame because the NFL, and professional sports in general, needs more guys like Ricky.
I hate how Ricky is being portrayed in the media. Almost everything I've read about him has portrayed him as a selfish burnout. He's become a punch line for wannabe comedic hacks. To me he's pretty courageous, and I'm rooting for him. I don't know if he will be succesfull in the NFL again, but I think he's got a chance at happiness if he continues to follow what he thinks is right for him.
Here's an interview that he did when he left the game (before he made his comeback).
Ricky Williams-60 Minutes Interview video (14 mins)