Monday, May 01, 2006


Is This a Good Deal? You be the judge.

So let's say that five years ago, I sold you a stack of papers for $1.00 and you refused to pay me. Five years have gone by and you refused to pay me, although for no good reason, you've been spending 20 cents a week for 3 years (about $10.50) to buy stones to throw at the guy's house down the street.
So I come up with a deal in which you only have to pay me $0.80 of the $1.00. Even better, is that you can underpay me over a period of seven years (just over $.10 a year). Would you say that I won or lost that deal?
According to the Globe and Mail, I won the deal. So much for the liberal bias in the media, eh? (BTW the idea that the media has a liberal bias is proposturous) The media are making it seem like Canada won in the softwood issue. I disagree, just because its over doesn't mean it is a win.
You heard it hear first: the Conservatives are going to win re-election. As long as the media refuses to take this guy to task on all of his transgressions (media ban, half mast flag-flap, Emerson hypocrisy, softwood loss), it doesn't matter whether that Harvard guy, or that Hall of Fame Goalie win the liberal leadership, the Canadian people are going to percieve his tenure as a success, and he will be re-elected.

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